It’s my birthday and I’m craving a latte. Yes, I hear howling winds outside my window and it’s clear that Hurricane Sandy has descended upon us, but am I going to let a little wind and rain deter me from getting my birthday latte? I don’t think so.
I’m 29 years old as of today and I refuse to live my life in fear. I want a latte, I’m gonna get my latte. Plus, who knows? This may be the last latte that I have in my life and goddamnit, I’m going to enjoy every single sip of it.
But of course, these winds are dangerous and I’m a wee little thing, weighing in at approximately 100 lbs. How am I going to get through two blocks without being blown away by the wind? Here’s how: By dancing my way through. Not fighting Sandy and embracing the chaos that she brings and being smart about it.
I grab my boots and my raincoat and put my hair up in a bun. The last thing I need is my hair wrapping itself around my neck and choking me to death.
When I go outside, the cold wind whips my face, but I keep my head down and my ego in check. No need pick a fight with Sandy when I know she will kick my ass. I keep my mind focused on my end goal: the latte.
I relax and stay flexible. Sandy is strong and she whips my body - pushing back and forth. Instead of tensing up, I allow her to tumultuously rock me while I continue to dance forward with the sway of the winds, focusing on the step right in front of me, keeping each step firmly planted on the slippery sidewalk.
I stay calm amidst the chaos while I reach my destination. The turbulent winds are scary, but it’s only temporary.
I use what’s around me. As I improvise my way towards Marlow and Sons, I use anything at my disposal to shield my body from her winds. Whether it’s an awning, a building, a car or another person, as long as there’s something else to take the impact of her strong winds instead of my body, I know I’ll make it.
And you know what, I do. I get my birthday latte and I enjoy it immensely before I dance back home and hide from the rest of the wrath that Sandy is about to unleash upon us. Happy 29th Hurricane Birthday to me.